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The P0wer of Prooveading: Unleesh Yoar Tru Potenchal!

(The Power of Proofreading: Unleash Your True Potential)
Once upon a time, I took on a client’s website that needed refreshing.  They were specifically interested in updating their staff organizational (org) chart (including biographies), revamping their board of directors' register, and revising the rest of their site’s content.

I immediately spotted several spelling and grammatical errors.  I copied and pasted it into Microsoft Word and ran the Editor function to save time.  There were 98 errors!  Grammarly found 27 more.  And that was just the org chart and the board register.  To say I was appalled would have been an understatement.

I spoke with my contact, Kelly Anderson, the administrative assistant, and brought this to her attention.  She sighed and said, “I know.  It’s a mess.  Several people have been working on this, and proofreading slipped through the cracks.  Can you sort it out?”  I assured her I could.

I began by methodically proofreading the biographies, board member profiles, and all the website content.  It was a lengthy task, but I knew it would make a difference.  I dug deeper into the project and realized the issues went beyond spelling and grammar mistakes.  The content lacked coherence, clarity, and a consistent tone.  It became clear that a simple proofreading exercise wouldn’t suffice.  I needed to approach this as a comprehensive content overhaul.

I worked with Kelly to redesign the org chart and the board of directors’ register.  Both were organized alphabetically by last name.  As a result, Kelly’s (the administrative assistant) name was in the top position, and the president, James Williams, was at the bottom of the org chart.  The directors’ register was just as bad.  The lead chair, Cassandra Peterson, was in the bottom position.  The chart and the register were confusing, making it difficult for visitors to grasp the organization’s structure.  Through thoughtful design choices and simplification, I made them both intuitive and visually appealing.  They now conveyed the correct hierarchies and interrelations.

After a few collaborative meetings, the overhauled content was ready to be unveiled.  Kelly was amazed by the transformation.  But more importantly, so were James and Cassandra.  The power of proofreading corrected countless mistakes and breathed life into their words, revealing their true potential.

I continue to approach proofreading as a transformative process.  I realize it isn’t just about catching errors; it’s about understanding the essence of a message, polishing it, and elevating it to its highest form.  I take pride in helping businesses communicate effectively, allowing their messages to stand out.

As I look back on that project, I’m grateful for the opportunity it provided.  It taught me the importance of meticulous proofreading, effective communication, and the transformative power of words.  From that day forward, I dedicated myself to helping others unleash their true potential through proofreading and content creation.

Note:  All names have been changed for the sake of confidentiality. 

Here are four takeaways for you:

1. Well-edited website content is vital.  You want to show your professionalism.  Misspellings, poor grammar, irrational layout, etc. prove that you either don’t know or don’t care.  As a result, you will lose potential clients.

2.  Proofread everything on your website.  After proofreading everything, copy and paste it into Microsoft Word (or whatever word processing software you use) and run the Editor function.  You’ll either be pleased with yourself or horrified. 

3. Another reason for thorough proofreading you may not have considered is that non-English speakers may be translating your content into their language.  If poorly written in English, it will be even worse once translated into a foreign language.

4. Be honest with yourself.  Is your content laid out in an organized, easy-to-understand manner?  Often, I find that someone who’s worked on their own website its entire life becomes “blind” to its errors and issues.  That “blindness” comes from looking at it for so long you just don’t see it anymore, or “Don’t Call My Baby Ugly” syndrome.  If you can’t be 100% honest with yourself, ask the most critical person in  your company to “have at it.”  Your website isn’t about your ego.  It’s about your clients and, ultimately, your wallet.